Quality Control of hand sanitizers - Fast reagent-free ethanol content determination

Quality Control of hand sanitizers - Fast reagent-free ethanol content determination

Cosmetics / Pharmaceutical Industries

January 25, 2021

In 2020, the demand for hand sanitizer skyrocketed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As in any product manufacturing process, accurate formulation enables good quality and minimizes waste.

The alcohol content in hand sanitizers must be greater than 60% (v/v) to be an effective antiseptic. Reagents commonly used in these disinfectants are water, alcohol (commonly ethanol or isopropanol), small amounts of emollient (skin softener, e.g. glycerol), and an oxidizing agent (e.g. hydrogen peroxide) to minimize microbial contamination.

A safe and fast way to monitor ethanol content in these sanitizing solutions is with reagent-free near-infrared spectroscopy NIRS, which provides reliable results in a few seconds, quickly indicating when adjustments in formulation are necessary

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Cosmetics / Pharmaceutical Industries

R-Biopharm offers a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of macadamia nut in raw and processed food such as bakery products, ice cream, cereals and chocolate. The limit of detection of RIDASCREEN®FAST Macadamia (product code R6852) is 0.64 ppm (mg/kg).

June 01, 2013 More +
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